A Beginner’s Guide to Squarespace Page Types

The content of this article is specific for Squarespace version 7.1 and doesn’t apply to website built on version 7.0

Squarespace offers a variety of page types to help you share your website content in a beautiful, functional, and organized way.

There are four main types of pages available in Squarespace. Standard pages offer the most flexibility, while collection lists and item pages work together to showcase your specific content. Auto pages take care of the behind-the-scenes functionality, letting you focus on creating amazing content. Here's a quick overview of all four types:

  • Standard Pages: These are your website's building blocks, like your "About Us" page or your "Contact" page. They offer the most flexibility, allowing you to add different sections with text, images, videos, and more using Squarespace's drag-and-drop functionality.

  • Collection Lists: Think of these as galleries or showcases for specific types of content. For example, a blog list displays summaries of your blog posts, while a store list is a collection of your products. These pages automatically pull content from your collection item pages (like blog posts or products) and present them in a clean and organized way.

  • Collection Item Pages: These are the individual pages that go deeper into your content. A blog post, a product page, or a portfolio project page are all examples of collection item pages. They offer specific editing options tailored to the content type, allowing you to add detailed information, descriptions, and media.

  • Auto Pages: These are essential pages that Squarespace creates automatically for you, like your checkout page or search results page. While you have limited control over the overall style of these pages, you can still customize some aspects to ensure they match your website's branding.

How to add a new page to Squarespace

  1. Select pages in your website menu.

  2. Click the plus sign next to your main navigation or the not linked section of your pages menu.

    Pro tip: creating a new page in the not linked section of your site, and add it to your main navigation when you are ready to share it with the world!

  3. Select the page type option from the list:

    Blank Page (standard page)

    Page Layouts (standard page)

    Scheduling (not a page)

    Blog (collection)

    Store (collection)

    Portfolio (collection)

    Events (collection)

    Videos (collection)

    Course (collection)

  4. Depending on the page you’ve selected, you’ll have different options for page settings and editing the content. Check out the additional information below to learn more about editing Squarespace pages.

An Overview of Page Types

  • Auto Page

    • Auto pages are automatically generated based on user activity, like a search results page or a cart. We can’t edit the content of auto pages using the site editor.

  • Standard Page

    • Standard pages are made up of page sections.

    • Pages have their own URL, title, navigation title, and SEO metadata (title & description)

  • Blog Collection

    • Blog collection pages display a list of published blog posts that are in the collection.

    • You can add page sections above and below the collection list.

    • A blog collection has unique URL & it’s own SEO metadata (title and description)

  • Blog Post

    • Blog post content is created with classic editor, not page sections.

    • Blog posts can have specific details like a title, excerpt, and thumbnail image for the event.

    • Blog posts have pagination to help you navigate to previous and next posts inside the collection

    • A blog post has a nested URL structure (domain/blog/post)

    • A blog post can have it’s own metadata (tile & description)

    • Blog posts can be organize by tags and categories.

    • Blog posts can be in draft mode, scheduled to be published, and published.

    • You can turn on a comment feature for individual blog posts.

  • Event Collection

    • Event collection pages display a list of upcoming events you've created.

    • You can add page sections above and below the event list to provide additional information or a call to action.

    • An event collection has a unique URL and its own SEO metadata (title and description).

  • Individual Event

    • Event items feature a sidebar on the left with the event information. You’ll find a classic editor section on the right that you can use to add content blocks to an event.

    • Event items can have specific details like date, time, location, description, and a thumbnail image for the event.

    • Event items have pagination to help you navigate to previous and next events inside the collection

    • Event items have a nested URL structure (domain/events/event-name)

    • Individual events have their own SEO metadata (title and description).

    • Individual events can be organize by tags and categories.

    • Events can be in draft mode, scheduled to be published, and published.

  • Portfolio

    • A portfolio page showcases your creative work, such as photography, design projects, or writing samples.

    • It can display a grid of project thumbnails, linking to individual project pages for more details.

    • Portfolios have a unique URL and their own SEO metadata (title and description).

  • Project

    • A Project page is made up of individual page sections, similar to a standard page.

    • Project pages have pagination to help you navigate to previous and next projects inside the portfolio.

    • Project items have a nested URL structure (domain/portfolio/project) and can have their own SEO metadata (title and description).

    • Projects do not have scheudling features, comments, or tags/categories.

  • Store

    • Store collection pages display a list of products that are in the collection.

    • Store pages feature product categories at the top of the product list that people can use to change the display to see items in that category.

    • You can add page sections above and below the collection list.

    • A store has unique URL & it’s own SEO metadata (title and description)

  • Product

    • Product pages feature detailed information, descriptions, pricing, variants, and high-quality images of your product. You can list additional details using content blocks in classic editor under the product listing details.

    • Products can have variants displayed as buttons or a drop down.

    • Product pages have a nested URL structure (domain/store/product)

    • Individual products have their own SEO metadata (title and description).

    • Products can be organize by tags and categories.

    • Products can be in hidden, scheduled, and published.

  • Video Collection

    • Video collection pages display a list of videos you've uploaded.

    • You can add page sections above and below the video list for context or a call to action.

    • Video collections feature a list of video categories at the top of the product list that people can use to change the display to see videos in that category.

    • A video collection has a unique URL and its own SEO metadata (title and description).

  • Video

    • Video pages feature a full width video followed by the title, metadata, and optional text.

    • Video pages do not have content blocks - only text based content can be added to a video collection page.

    • You can feature pagination to the previous and next video in the collection. You can also feature additional related videos at the bottom of the page by selecting a video category in the video page settings.

    • Video items have a nested URL structure (domain/videos/video) and can have their own SEO metadata (title and description).

  • Course

    • Course pages display a list of lessons, organized in chapters.

    • Chapters will automatically display the total time of uploaded lesson videos.

    • Lessons can display thumbnails and they can be marked as completed.

    • You can add page sections above and below the chapter list.

    • A course has unique URL & it’s own SEO metadata (title and description)

  • Lesson

    • Lesson pages can feature a large full screen video at the top of the page.

    • You can add page sections to a lesson. This sections will be below the video if you have uploaded a video for the lesson . text, images, videos, quizzes, and downloadable materials to lessons.

    • Lessons have a nested URL structure (domain/courses/course/lesson)

    • Lessons do not have individual SEO title and description options, scheudling features, commetns, or tags/categories.

    • Lessons do feature an automatic side bar that can help users navigate to other course content. Lessons have pagination that can take you to the next lesson in the course.

An overview of Squarespace page settings

Standard pages and page collections have specific settings that can help you make the most of your Squarespace website. Here's a breakdown of all the standard page settings available:

  • Page Title: This is the title displayed at the top of your browser tab and in search engine results. It's crucial for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) so make it clear, concise, and keyword-rich.

  • Navigation Title: This is the text that appears in your website's navigation menu. It can be different from the page title, allowing you to use shorter or more menu-friendly wording for visitors.

  • URL: This is the web address for your page. Squarespace generates a default URL based on your page title, but you can customize it for a cleaner and more memorable look (e.g., instead of "about-us," use "about").

  • Hide from Search: This option allows you to hide a page from search engine results. This might be useful for internal pages like "Thank You" pages or drafts you're still working on.

  • SEO Settings: Here you can optimize your page for search engines by adding a meta description (a brief summary displayed in search results) and setting keywords that describe your page content.

  • Social Share Image: This is the image that will be used when your page is shared on social media. Choose an eye-catching image that accurately represents your page content.

  • Page Header Code Injection: This is for advanced users comfortable with code. It allows you to inject custom code snippets into your page's header section, potentially adding features or functionalities not available through standard Squarespace options. (Use with caution!)

Where you can learn more about customizing your Squarespace website

Squarespace Made Simple

This mini course for beginners will teach you how to create your first Squarespace website. Lesson four includes information about page types and page section types.


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launch your Squarespace website ASAP.


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