custom code tutorials
step-by-step tutorials to help you customize your squarespace website design with code

How to Use Your Own Icon for the Accordion Block in Squarespace
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use your own custom icons for the accordion block in Squarespace, both the open & closed states.

How to customize accordion block divider lines in Squarespace
In this Squarespace tutorial, you'll learn how to customize the accordion block divider line, creating a unique line.

How to add a button to an accordion block in Squarespace
This tutorial will teach you how to customize the style of an active link inside an accordion block so it looks like a button, hover effects and all!

How to add an image inside an accordion block
This video tutorial shows you how to embed & customize multiple images within Squarespace accordions using simple code.

How to create a numbered accordion block
This tutorial will show you how to create a stylish numbered accordion in Squarespace.