09: An Overview of Squarespace Courses

  • 00:00 The term Squarespace is a trademark of Squarespace, Incorporated.

    00:03 This content is not affiliated with Squarespace, Incorporated.

    00:06 Welcome to Think Inside the Square, a podcast full of quick tips and tricks

    00:10 that will help you create a Squarespace website that you're proud of.

    00:13 I'm your host, Becca Harpain, creator of Insidethesquare.co, and in this episode,

    00:18 we'll be talking about one of the brand new features available in Squarespace, known as Squarespace Courses.

    00:23 That's right.

    00:24 We can now host a course entirely on your Squarespace website, and in this episode, I'll teach you all about it.

    00:30 For a transcript of this episode, along with the links to any resources mentioned, visit Insidethesquare.co/podcast.

    00:40 Released on August 21, 2023, squarespace Courses is a new type of collection page.

    00:47 A course is structured with chapters, and inside those chapters, you can have individual lessons.

    00:52 Lessons have all kinds of design flexibility when it comes to actually displaying the content.

    00:58 But in this specific episode, I want to talk more about courses, holistically,

    01:02 how to set one up, what some of your main options are, and we'll do a little overview about how

    01:07 to actually structure your course using all of the cool features built into Squarespace.

    01:12 I also want to mention I know personally that Squarespace is working on even more updates to this course's feature,

    01:18 so I'll be recording future episodes about some of the cool things that they'll be adding.

    01:24 I also want to mention that in this episode, I am not discussing pricing.

    01:29 Pricing depends on your specific setup subscription model that you're using,

    01:32 what you're charging for your course, what payment processor you use.

    01:36 There are all kinds of different factors that go into pricing, and I will not be discussing that in this episode.

    01:42 For information about pricing, please go to squarespace.com pricing.

    01:47 All right, let's get back to talking about courses in general.

    01:50 They are a type of collection page.

    01:52 Inside a course, you have chapters.

    01:55 These chapters are like folders.

    01:57 Inside each folder, you have individual lessons.

    02:00 These lessons are individual pages.

    02:02 These pages can have a main video associated with them that will be featured prominently at the top of the lesson page.

    02:08 Or you can choose not to have a video at all, because on that page,

    02:12 video or not, you can have multiple page sections with all kinds of content.

    02:17 I recommend using Fluid Engine sections because that gives us the ability to not only have the ultimate design flexibility

    02:23 for the content of that section, but we can also edit mobile separately, which I think is awesome.

    02:30 Now, these collection pages have two different ways to access them.

    02:34 You can require people to create a login to access the course content with their email address and their own password.

    02:41 Now, you can do this if the course is free or if it's paid.

    02:44 If you're offering a free course, you don't have to require a login at all.

    02:48 It can be completely free and accessible by anyone.

    02:51 But if you do offer a paid course, you need to have people log in to access the content.

    02:57 One of the cool features of Courses is that you can track their progress if you do require people to log in.

    03:03 Here's what I mean by that.

    03:05 If they're working their way through the lessons in your course, there is a neat little feature with a checkmark.

    03:10 As soon as they've completed that lesson, or clicked the complete button on the lesson,

    03:15 it will be noted on their profile that they've made it through that content and they've moved on to the next lesson.

    03:21 This is a brand new feature that we've never had in any other type of collection page.

    03:25 That information, that progress.

    03:27 It's tracked on their profile.

    03:28 So you can find out information about how people are working their way through your course content.

    03:34 One of the other cool features that we've never seen before is the brand new sidebar inside Courses.

    03:40 As you're working your way through lessons, you can click a little icon and this

    03:43 icon will pull open a list of the chapters and lessons inside that course.

    03:48 So people have this subnavigation to click around and access different content.

    03:52 Again, a brand new feature we've never seen before.

    03:55 Now, I want to talk to you a little bit about the content inside the course that's specific for squarespace.

    04:01 The course itself has a name, a navigation title, a URL slug,

    04:06 which is what you'll say like yourdomain.com forward slash, whatever the course is, and then a course summary.

    04:13 This summary can be pulled by content blocks and shown on other pages.

    04:17 So it's a great idea to write a concise, engaging summary that tells people what your course is about.

    04:23 Just a basic overview to get them excited.

    04:25 Now, the chapters themselves are only titles.

    04:28 Remember, it's a folder that holds all of the lessons.

    04:31 So when you're creating your course content for a chapter, all you need is a title.

    04:36 But the lesson, we've got a lot of other options there.

    04:39 Every single lesson has a title.

    04:41 It can have an excerpt, which I strongly recommend.

    04:44 Just a concise little paragraph, some engaging content about what the lesson is about, then a specific URL.

    04:51 Each lesson can have a thumbnail.

    04:53 This is optional, but it's displayed on the overview page and in the sidebar navigation.

    04:59 So I strongly recommend it.

    05:01 Each lesson can have a video, but it's not required.

    05:04 You can just have standard page sections with content.

    05:07 But if you do upload a video for a lesson, it'll be placed at the very top of the page in a really cool looking layout.

    05:13 Those videos themselves can have cover images which can help it load faster on smaller screens like mobile devices.

    05:19 So that again is recommended if you decide to upload a video.

    05:23 Now, on these lesson pages, again we can have page sections.

    05:27 And in those page sections you can have all kinds of additional lesson materials cheat sheets,

    05:31 resource links, any additional content that your students might need.

    05:35 Now, assuming you've already outlined your course, you've got the chapters, you've got the lessons.

    05:39 How do you actually add this content to squarespace?

    05:42 Now, this is a podcast, so I don't have any visuals here, but head on over to

    05:47 Forward Slash Podcast to see some links to resources that will help explain this whole concept for you.

    05:53 But here's kind of a five step overview.

    05:56 First step, create that course in the not linked section of your site.

    06:00 You don't want people to access it until you're ready.

    06:03 Second step, remove all the demo content.

    06:06 The fastest way, delete a chapter.

    06:08 This will remove all the lessons inside that chapter.

    06:10 Just get rid of everything because you want to replace it with your own.

    06:14 That brings us to the third step.

    06:16 Update the description on the course overview page.

    06:19 This description, it's a little bit different than your course summary, and you've got to update it on the overview page itself.

    06:25 So make sure you update that replacing the demo content with your own.

    06:29 The fourth step is to choose the layout options you want for your course overview.

    06:33 You've got some different options for spacing and sidebar navigation, so check out those settings.

    06:38 And then the fifth step is to design your lesson pages.

    06:42 Fun fact here, you can duplicate a lesson page to recreate a similar look for all your content.

    06:48 I like to design a specific type of lesson page, knowing that I'm going to want to recreate this for multiple lessons.

    06:56 Let's say I've got a video, I've got a cheat sheet that goes with that video.

    06:59 I have some additional resources I want people to download.

    07:02 I'll design this lesson.

    07:04 I'll structure it so it looks absolutely perfect on desktop and on mobile.

    07:09 And then I will treat that as a template and I'll duplicate it and update the content for every single lesson.

    07:15 It'll save you a ton of time.

    07:17 Now, after you've done all of this, those five steps to create it, definitely explore the customization options.

    07:24 Inside the font menu and the color menu, you'll find new features that are specific for courses, so definitely check those out.

    07:30 And when you're done with all of that, you're ready to decide whether or not you want this to be a free course or a paid course.

    07:36 You set this up in the course settings, and then you drag it to your main navigation.

    07:40 Or you send people directly to that URL in the Not Linked section of your site because you're ready to launch.

    07:46 Now, we've covered a lot of content here.

    07:48 I totally understand if you've got to repeat this episode, but if you're more of a visual learner like me, don't worry.

    07:54 I've written all of this out for you in an in depth course creation checklist.

    07:59 It covers all of this magic.

    08:01 Available now at insidethesquare.co/podcast

    08:05 I've got a bunch of other resources that I've linked to that are going to help you create your very first course on Squarespace.

    08:12 We'll go ahead and call this episode a wrap because I want to keep these nice and concise.

    08:16 Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Think Inside the Square.

    08:19 I truly hope you enjoyed it.

    08:21 I have a lot more tips and tricks to share with you about making an amazing Squarespace website that is uniquely yours,

    08:27 so be sure to subscribe to this podcast wherever you happen to be listening to this episode.

    08:32 And one last time, head on over to Forward Slash podcast for a transcript and links to all of the resources that I mentioned.

    08:40 Thanks again for listening and most importantly, have fun with your bye for now.

  • Free Overview of Squarespace Courses: insidethesquare.co/course

    Squarespace Course Workshop: insidethesquare.co/courseworkshop

Music Credit: Arpenter // Audio Editing: Adobe Enhance


Squarespace Circle Leader & Creator of InsideTheSquare.co


10: What Your Squarespace Homepage Needs


08: Upgrading from Version 7.0 to Squarespace 7.1