10: What Your Squarespace Homepage Needs

  • 00:00 The homepage of your website is a virtual storefront for your business. So how do you create a homepage that gets people attention in a way that makes them excited to learn more?

    00:09 That's exactly what we're covering in this episode.

    00:12 Welcome to Think Inside The Square, a podcast full of quick tips and tricks

    00:16 that will help you create a Squarespace website that you're proud of.

    00:19 I'm your host, Becca Harpain, Squarespace expert and creator of Insidethesquare.co

    00:24 In this episode, you'll learn how to create a homepage that gets your

    00:27 website visitors excited to learn more about you and what you have to offer.

    00:32 For a transcript of this episode, along with the links to any resources mentioned, visit insidethesquare.co/podcast

    00:39 The term Squarespace is a trademark of Squarespace, Incorporated. This content is not affiliated with Squarespace, Incorporated.

    00:46 Before we dig into my advice for your homepage, I have to confess something.

    00:51 Redoing my own homepage for Insidethesquare.co has been on my to do list for well over a month.

    00:59 I'm honestly hoping that by recording this episode and sharing my advice with you,

    01:03 it's going to inspire me to finally cross this off my to do list.

    01:07 So, my friend, it is you and me. Let's do this together.

    01:10 Let's plan the perfect homepage for your Squarespace website.

    01:13 I will share the perfect homepage for mine.

    01:16 And by the time this episode launches, hopefully that homepage will be live.

    01:20 All right, so first thing is first you have to have a main purpose for your homepage.

    01:26 You want to have every website visitor do a thousand things on your website.

    01:30 You want them to buy from you, to read your blog, join your mailing list,

    01:33 follow your Instagram, read your client reviews, book a service.

    01:37 I want you to forget all of that and pick one main purpose for your homepage.

    01:43 This will be the focus, the literal front and center of your homepage, what we designers like to call the Hero section.

    01:51 This Hero section is here to save the day.

    01:54 We want to deliver something of value ASAP.

    01:57 So for my own website, this is where I'm going to encourage people to sign up for my email list.

    02:02 I'm offering a freebie in exchange for their email, a lead magnet, if you will.

    02:07 But we'll save that jargon for a future episode.

    02:09 Right now, let's talk about the Hero section.

    02:12 I want to feature what I'm offering prominently.

    02:15 I'm going to have a main call to action.

    02:17 The one thing I want that website visitor to do, and that is the only thing that's going to exist above the fold.

    02:23 That's another website designer term I'm slipping in here.

    02:27 Above the fold means that you don't have to scroll to see that content.

    02:31 It's an archaic term that actually has to do with folding newspapers.

    02:35 But for the purpose of this episode, let's skip all of that.

    02:37 We just want to make sure our Hero section, the number one thing that we offer to save the day

    02:43 for whoever is visiting our website that is featured prominently front and center, without scrolling.

    02:50 For this Hero section, I'm offering a freebie so I can build my email list.

    02:54 That's my number one priority.

    02:56 But for you, you might want to encourage people to check out the seasonal items

    02:59 in your online store or to get a ticket for your next live show.

    03:03 Make that the focus of your homepage.

    03:06 After that, I like to funnel people to the right content.

    03:09 Maybe they're already on my email list, or maybe they don't want to shop seasonally or can't grab a ticket to your next show.

    03:16 What else you got that's what you need to share next.

    03:19 My main focus is teaching people how to customize squarespace with code.

    03:23 But I also have training for people brand new to using Squarespace.

    03:27 So the Next page section on my home page is going to guide people to what they might need next.

    03:33 I'm going to have one section for people ready to customize and another

    03:37 section that's ready to teach people the basics of using Squarespace.

    03:40 I want to guide people to the next thing they might need for me.

    03:44 For you, it might be more categories in your store or a summary block showing your next events.

    03:49 If the Hero section didn't save the day, what else might your website visitor need?

    03:55 The next section after that is critical because it's for the critical visitor.

    04:01 Kind of a pun, but hear me out.

    04:02 Your Hero section didn't do the trick.

    04:05 They didn't click on your other auctions.

    04:07 Chances are they either want something super specific, or they want you to prove that you're real.

    04:13 At the time of recording this, it's October 2023.

    04:17 AI is here.

    04:18 Deep fakes are a part of reality, and anyone with a laptop and a Starbucks

    04:21 nearby can make themselves look like an expert in one afternoon.

    04:25 Being critical isn't an asset. It's a necessity when doing business online.

    04:29 So people visiting your website will be critical of who you are if they don't know you yet.

    04:36 That's why you should use this space on your homepage to prove that you are legit.

    04:40 Add a photo of you in your natural habitat.

    04:43 Talk to them about why you are the person or the company that they want to work with.

    04:48 Toot your own horn, my friend! This is where the trust needs to be built.

    04:52 I like to feature a photo with a little bit about me and an intro, then include my badges of honor.

    04:57 I've got my Squarespace Expert badge, my Circle Leader badge,

    05:01 my affiliates, publications, all the goodies I have to brag about that.

    05:05 Position me as the expert they can trust.

    05:07 You can also throw in testimonials here.

    05:09 That's great for people that work one on one.

    05:12 Or, if you just have some stellar reviews about a product or service you offer, build that trust right here.

    05:17 Make sure the critics are confident before we move on to the final must have for your homepage.

    05:24 What is that final must have?

    05:25 Your final offer.

    05:27 Give them one last chance to convert and get creative here.

    05:30 Maybe offer your content in a different format this time on this new version of my homepage design.

    05:36 This is where I'm offering up links to my top five most popular tutorials

    05:40 and my top three workshops mixed together in a cool looking design.

    05:44 An overview of the best I have to share.

    05:46 So if my hero didn't get them, my secondary offer didn't do it, and they read through my qualifications,

    05:51 it's time to get them hooked on the other content I have to share.

    05:55 Personally, I'll probably repeat my main call to action in here as well.

    05:59 I want to give them a chance to easily sign up for my email list after I've shared proof that I am the right gal for the job.

    06:06 Now, all of this advice is just that it's advice.

    06:09 This is not a rulebook you have to follow.

    06:11 Feel free to mix up the order to create a homepage that resonates with your business.

    06:16 For me, it's going to be a Hero banner that promotes my lead magnet,

    06:20 encouraging people to sign up for my email list in exchange for an awesome freebie.

    06:25 After that, I'm sharing my two main categories of content

    06:28content that will help you either create your Squarespace site or help you customize it.

    06:34 After that, I'm sharing content about me. Why I'm the expert to trust.

    06:38 This is where I have my credentials. This is where I'll feature testimonials.

    06:42 This is where I prove that I am a real human on the internet, ready to teach you something awesome.

    06:47 I am the expert to be trusted and I've got information to back that up.

    06:51 But in the final section on my brand new homepage is going to be offering my content

    06:56 in a slightly different perspective, featuring my top pieces of content.

    07:00 And that rad freebie that I want to share.

    07:02 Making sure that I give them a chance to interact with me in the way that they're most comfortable with.

    07:06 I'll probably list a podcast episode.

    07:09 Again, I'll have that freebie mentioned for my email list and some of my top tutorials and workshops.

    07:14 I want to make sure that they can interact with me in any way they want to.

    07:18 After going through this list, I genuinely feel a little more inspired to finish my homepage redesign.

    07:23 So I'll probably call this shorty episode a wrap and get to it.

    07:26 When you're ready to check it out, visit insidethesquare.co to see this content in action.

    07:32 Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Think Inside The Square.

    07:35 I have a lot more tips and tricks to share with you about making an amazing Squarespace website that is uniquely yours,

    07:41 so be sure to subscribe to this podcast wherever you happen to be listening to this episode.

    07:46 Thanks again for listening and most importantly, have fun with your Squarespace website.

    07:51 Bye for now.

  • My own homepage: httpsinsidethesquare.co

Music Credit: Arpenter // Audio Editing: Adobe Enhance


Squarespace Circle Leader & Creator of InsideTheSquare.co


11: Squarespace Refresh Review


09: An Overview of Squarespace Courses