08: Upgrading from Version 7.0 to Squarespace 7.1

  • 00:00 If you got started with Squarespace a few years ago, you might be a little jealous

    00:04 about all of the cool features, upgrades, and updates that version 7.1 can do.

    00:08 In this episode, we're going to talk about my pro tips for migrating your website

    00:13 from an older version of Squarespace to the latest version known as 7.1

    00:17 Welcome to Think Inside the Square, a podcast full of quick tips and tricks

    00:20 that will help you create a Squarespace website that you're proud of.

    00:23 I'm your host, Becca Harpain, creator of Insidethesquare.co, and in this episode, I'll be sharing my top three tips and my favorite

    00:30 two resources that will help you transfer your site from an older version of Squarespace to the latest one known as 7.1

    00:36 To be super duper clear, the term Squarespace is a trademark of Squarespace Incorporated.

    00:41 This content is not affiliated with Squarespace Incorporated.

    00:44 For a transcript of this episode, along with the links to any resources mentioned, visit insidethesquare.co/podcast the idea of moving your website to the latest version

    00:56 of Squarespace sounds like a lot of work, and honestly, I know firsthand that it is.

    01:01 But I also know that it's worth it in the long run.

    01:04 The team at Squarespace is constantly making changes to the program,

    01:08 adding new features and awesome new options like the new Squarespace Courses feature.

    01:13 And these are only available in the latest version.

    01:15 So the truth is, if you've even been considering switching, it's definitely the time to do it.

    01:20 Now, in this episode, I have three tips and two resources that I want to share with you,

    01:24 but definitely check out the Show Notes Insidethesquare.co/podcast.

    01:29 Now, the first tip is to think of this as a redesign.

    01:32 All of these features and functions that I'm talking about,

    01:35 there are features and functions not found in version seven that you can use to make amazing design changes.

    01:41 So I want to encourage you to spend some time exploring the templates@squarespace.com.

    01:47 Check out some of the latest layouts and different design options

    01:50 just in case they can spark some innovative ideas for your content.

    01:54 This really is your opportunity to change the structure now, if it's not broke, don't fix it.

    01:59 You don't have to change layouts that you love,

    02:02 but there are some really cool things you might not be aware of that can really elevate the design of your website.

    02:07 So if you're going to move everything over, you might as well consider this

    02:10 a full redesign and see if there are any cool features you want to try again.

    02:14 Click around some of the templates, check out the mobile version as well,

    02:18 and see if there's some unique options or unique layouts that you might not have considered for your site in the past.

    02:23 My second tip is to create an Element page.

    02:27 To be honest, I have stolen this tip from my WordPress days.

    02:30 An element page is a page you have in the not linked section of your site.

    02:34 And this page has an example of everything.

    02:37 All of the heading, text types, paragraph, text with links and bold and italicized fonts.

    02:42 Add some forms, a newsletter form, a contact form, an image block, all three types of buttons,

    02:48 anything you might use, maybe an accordion block or a quote or an audio block.

    02:53 Set this up in a page in the not link section of your site.

    02:56 So creating this Elements page lets you see how all of these elements work together on your site.

    03:02 So when you're updating your site styles, changing up the color themes, and changing up font families,

    03:08 you'll be able to see how all of these elements interact with each other.

    03:12 This elements page is in the not linked section of your site.

    03:15 You can toggle off the enable page options so no one can navigate to it.

    03:19 It's for your eyes only, but it's a great opportunity to see how everything

    03:24 looks together when you're going to want to use it on your website again.

    03:28 In version seven one, you're going to find these options for color themes and font options,

    03:32 things that you never had access to before in older versions of squarespace.

    03:36 And this Elements page gives you a chance to see how all of it works together

    03:40 so you can have a really cohesive look for your website.

    03:43 All right, my third tip is to create your own template.

    03:47 In version 7.1, we have the ability to save a page section.

    03:53 Now, these page sections can be referenced when you're building other content on your site,

    03:57 so you can literally make your own template.

    04:00 I want you to create a page also in the Not Linked section of your site.

    04:04 And on that page, build out the sections you'll likely use more than once.

    04:09 Maybe you have a hero banner with a headline, sub headline and a call to action.

    04:13 Build out that template, make it look amazing on desktop and close enough to perfect on mobile,

    04:19 and then save it so you can easily use it when you're building out additional pages.

    04:23 All you have to do is change out images or text, but the layout is done.

    04:28 Using this technique to create my own templates with saved sections in squarespace saved me a ton

    04:34 of time with my latest redesign, and it's my third piece of advice and honestly, my favorite.

    04:41 Now, the two resources I wanted to mention.

    04:43 The first is my getting started course.

    04:45 It's a nine lesson, $27 course that walks you through version 7.1.

    04:50 Some of this stuff you probably already know if you've built on version seven, but some of it you don't.

    04:56 I've got helpful things like a setup checklist, an overview of the new page types and page section types,

    05:02 and a general HowTo for making a site in the latest version.

    05:05 I also updated it to cover the new menu structure.

    05:09 In August 2023, we got a huge change to where things are inside your website menu,

    05:15 things like how to add custom CSS, how to access the favicon or your other site settings.

    05:20 I have a whole video overview that walks you through where all of this stuff is.

    05:24 So again, that's my Getting Started course, and you can find it at Insidethesququare.co/start

    05:31 That's insidethesquare.co/start

    05:34 Now, the second resource I wanted to mention is one of my favorites that

    05:37 I'm actually using right now for my own blog Redesign My Website Workbook.

    05:42 I created this notion database that I use to keep track of literally everything about my site.

    05:48 Everything from my color themes and font families to my custom codes and product listings,

    05:54 the categories and tags for my blog posts, where my social share images are.

    05:58You get the idea.

    05:59 It's literally everything.

    06:01 Now, this notion doc I built out as a template so you can grab a copy of it and use it for any website project you create.

    06:08 It will help you keep track of everything about your website in one place.

    06:12 You can grab a copy at Insidethesquare.co/workbook.

    06:16 That's insidethesquare.co/workbook.

    06:19 All right, let's recap this really quick.

    06:21 My top three tips.

    06:23 Number one, think of it as a redesign.

    06:26 Check out the templates at squarespace.com and see if there are any creative layouts

    06:30 or new features that you might not have considered when creating your website.

    06:34 On the older version of Squarespace, this is your chance to redesign it.

    06:37 So spend a little bit of time to see if you have any innovative ideas for your content creation.

    06:42 The second tip is to create an element page, a page in the Not Linked section of your site that has all types of headings text,

    06:50 paragraph, text, image blocks, button blocks, everything set up on one page.

    06:55 So when you're working in your Site Styles menu, you can really create a cohesive look

    06:59 for all of the types of content blocks that you'll use on your site.

    07:03 My third piece of advice is to create your own templates.

    07:06 Create a page in the Not Linked section of your site and design page sections that you're going to use more than once,

    07:13 once it's close enough to perfect for desktop and mobile.

    07:16 Save those sections and use them when building out the actual pages of your site.

    07:20 Build your own templates so all you have to do is swap out images and text.

    07:25 They'll be perfectly designed and save you a ton of time.

    07:28 Now, the two resources I mentioned the first is my Getting Started course,

    07:32 a nine lesson overview that walks you through the setup and settings available in version 71.

    07:38 You can find it at insidethesquare.co/start

    07:41 And the second resource was my Website Workbook,

    07:44 this notion database that I built to keep track of everything about my Squarespace website.

    07:49 You can get a copy at Insidethesquare.co/workbook.

    07:53 All right, that wraps it up for this quick episode.

    07:56 I hope these tips and resources help you with your big update project.

    08:00 And if there's anything you wish that 7.1 could do that you can't seem to find a solution to, let me know.

    08:06 I am always eager for more tutorial ideas.

    08:09 Thank you so much for listening to this episode of Think Inside the Square.

    08:12I have a lot more to share with you about making an amazing Squarespace website that's uniquely yours,

    08:17 so be sure to subscribe to this podcast where you happen to be listening to this episode.

    08:22 Thanks again for listening and most importantly, have fun with your Squarespace website.

    08:26 Bye for now.

  • Getting Started with Squarespace: insidethesquare.co/start

    Website Workbook: insidethesquare.co/workbook

Music Credit: Arpenter // Audio Editing: Adobe Enhance


Grab my collection of custom codes for Squarespace: 
→ insidethesquare.co/css

Learn CSS for Squarespace in my free class:
→ insidethesquare.co/learn


09: An Overview of Squarespace Courses


07: Squarespace SEO Myths - Debunked!