Squarespace vs. Flodesk: Which Platform is Right for Your Digital Product Empire?



So, you're ready to build your digital product empire. Exciting times! But now you're faced with a crucial decision: which platform should you use? Squarespace? Flodesk? Both? Neither?

If you're feeling a bit overwhelmed, don't worry. I've been there, and I'm here to help you navigate these waters. As someone who's built countless websites and email campaigns, and helped others do the same, I've got some insights that might just make your decision a whole lot easier.

But first, let's address the elephant in the room: why are we even comparing these two platforms? They seem to do different things, right? Well, yes and no. While they have different primary functions, both play crucial roles in building and growing a successful digital product business. And spoiler alert: you might just need both!

Let's dive in and explore the pros and cons of each platform, and then we'll talk about how they can work together to create your digital product powerhouse.

Squarespace: Your Home Base on the Web

Squarespace is like the cool, artsy friend who always has the most stylish apartment. You know the one I'm talking about! But Squarespace is more than just a pretty face. Let's break down the pros and cons:

The Pros of Squarespace:

  1. Stunning Design: Let's face it, first impressions matter. Squarespace's templates are gorgeous right out of the box, making it easy to create a professional-looking website even if you're not a designer. But it's not just about looking pretty – these designs are also functional and optimized for user experience.

    For example, let's say you're a life coach selling a digital course on mindfulness. You could use a template like "Paloma" which has a calm, minimalist design that perfectly aligns with your brand. The clean layout would make it easy for visitors to find information about your course, read testimonials, and sign up for your mailing list.

  2. User-Friendly Interface: You don't need to be a tech wizard to use Squarespace. Its drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to customize your site without touching a line of code. Want to add a new section to your homepage? Just click, drag, and drop. Need to update your bio? It's as easy as editing a Word document.

    This ease of use means you can focus on creating great content for your digital products instead of wrestling with complex web design tools. For instance, if you decide to add a new FAQ section about your digital product, you can have it up and running in minutes, not hours.

  3. All-in-One Solution: With Squarespace, you get hosting, domain registration, and website building all in one place. It's like a one-stop-shop for your online presence. This integration can save you a lot of headaches.

    Imagine you're launching a new e-book. With Squarespace, you can register a domain that matches your e-book title, build a landing page to promote it, and even sell it directly from your site – all without leaving the platform or dealing with complex integrations.

  4. Built-in SEO Tools: Squarespace has solid SEO features that help your site get found on search engines. And trust me, that's important when you're trying to get your digital products in front of more eyes!

    These tools include customizable page titles and descriptions, automatic sitemap generation, and clean, search-engine-friendly HTML markup. For example, if you're selling a digital cookbook, Squarespace makes it easy to optimize your product pages with relevant keywords, helping potential customers find your delicious recipes when they search online.

  5. Blog Functionality: If content marketing is part of your strategy (and it should be!), Squarespace's blogging features are top-notch. You can easily create and categorize posts, schedule content, and even host podcasts.

    Let's say you're a fitness instructor selling workout plans. You could use the blog to share fitness tips, healthy recipes, and success stories from your clients. This not only provides value to your audience but also helps establish you as an expert in your field, making your digital products more appealing.

The Cons of Squarespace:

  1. Limited E-commerce Features: While Squarespace does offer e-commerce functionality, it's not as robust as some dedicated e-commerce platforms, especially when it comes to digital products. For instance, while you can sell digital downloads, the process isn't as streamlined as it could be. Your only option is to have a file - not a link - and taht file has to be downloaded within 24 hours or the link expires. 🫠

  2. Email Marketing Limitations: Squarespace's email marketing tools are basic. They'll do in a pinch, and they are great for people just getting started, but they're not ideal for growing and nurturing a large email list. You can create and send newsletters, but more complex automations or segmentation are challenging.

  3. Learning Curve: While user-friendly, Squarespace still has a bit of a learning curve, especially if you want to customize beyond the templates. Some users find the interface less intuitive than other website builders.

    For instance, if you want to create a custom layout for your digital product sales page that doesn't quite fit the template you've chosen, you might need to spend some time learning about Squarespace's grid system and how to manipulate content blocks with custom code. Now here is a shameless self promotion: If you do want to take your Squarespace design skills to the next level, check out my free tutorial library at tutorials.squarespace.com

Flodesk: Your Email Marketing and Digital Product Selling Superhero

Now, let's talk about Flodesk. If Squarespace is your stylish friend, Flodesk is like your super-organized friend who always knows exactly what to say and when to say it. Here's the scoop:

The Pros of Flodesk:

  1. Gorgeous Email Templates: Flodesk's email templates are truly stunning. They make it easy to create emails that not only look professional but also reflect your brand. Each template is designed with aesthetics and readability in mind, ensuring your messages look great on both desktop and mobile.

    For example, if you're a photographer selling an image collection, you could use Flodesk's image-focused templates to showcase your work beautifully. The large, full-width images would make your presets pop, enticing subscribers to learn more about your product.

  2. Intuitive Interface: Flodesk's interface is so intuitive that I am constantly amazed by how it just knows what I want to do next! Creating emails and workflows can get complicated, and flodesk makes visuals that really help.

    Let's say you want to create a welcome sequence for new subscribers interested in your digital product. With Flodesk, you can easily map out the entire sequence visually, adding different elements like emails, delays, and conditionals to create a personalized journey for your subscribers.

  3. Unlimited Subscribers: Unlike many email marketing platforms, Flodesk offers unlimited subscribers for a flat fee. No more stressing about hitting the next pricing tier! This is particularly beneficial as your list grows.

    Imagine you're running a successful promotion for your digital course and your email list suddenly doubles. With Flodesk, you don't have to worry about a surprise increase in your monthly bill. You can focus on nurturing those new subscribers and turning them into customers.

  4. Powerful Automation: Flodesk's workflow builder allows you to create complex automations with ease. Perfect for nurturing leads and selling digital products. You can create sequences based on subscriber behavior, ensuring each person gets the right message at the right time.

    For instance, you could create a workflow that sends a series of educational emails to new subscribers, followed by a special offer for your digital product. If they don't purchase, you could automatically enroll them in a re-engagement sequence. All of this happens behind the scenes, allowing you to sell while you sleep!

  5. Digital Product Sales: Flodesk's new checkout feature is designed specifically for selling digital products and it’s what I use here InsideTheSquare. This feature allows you to create beautiful product pages, process payments, and deliver digital goods automatically.

    Let's say you've created a bundle of Canva templates. With Flodesk Shop, you can create a stunning sales page, set up different pricing tiers (maybe a basic and premium version), and even offer upsells. Once a purchase is made, Flodesk automatically delivers the product and triggers a thank you sequence.

The Cons of Flodesk:

  1. Limited Website Building: While Flodesk does offer landing pages, it's not a full-fledged website builder. You can create beautiful pages for lead generation or product sales, but you can't build a complete website with multiple pages, navigation menus, etc. For example, if you wanted to create a resources page or an about page to complement your digital product offerings, you'd need to use a different platform, like Squarespace (you had to have seen that coming 👀 )

  2. Newer Platform: As a newer platform, Flodesk is still growing and adding features. This means it might not have every advanced feature that more established platforms offer. While this can be exciting (new features are always rolling out!), it might be frustrating if you're looking for a specific, advanced feature. For instance, while Flodesk's analytics are good, but they're definitely not as in-depth as some other platforms. If you're a data junkie who loves to dive deep into email performance metrics, you might find your flodesk stats to be a bit limited.

  3. No Built-in Blog: If blogging is a big part of your strategy, you'll need to look elsewhere for that functionality. Flodesk is focused on email marketing and digital product sales, so it doesn't offer blogging capabilities. This means if you want to use content marketing to drive traffic to your digital products, you'll need to use a separate platform (Squarespace, anyone?) for your blog and find a way to integrate it with your email marketing efforts.

The Plot Twist: You Might Need Both

Okay not sure how much of a “twist” this is when I can’t help but mention Squarespace over and over. Can you tell I’m a fan?! 😂

While Squarespace and Flodesk might seem like competitors, they're actually more like perfect partners. I use both to run my online business. Here's how these two powerhouses combine to power my business here InsideTheSquare:

  1. Squarespace for Your Home Base: Use Squarespace to create a stunning website that showcases your expertise. This is where you'll host your blog, display client testimonials, and give an overview of your offers. It's also where you'll get your professional domain for your email address (hello@yourawesomebusiness.com looks way more pro than yourawesomebusiness@gmail.com, right?).

    For example, let's say you're a nutritionist selling meal plans. Your Squarespace site could host your blog where you share healthy recipes and nutrition tips. You could have a page showcasing testimonials from happy clients who've used your meal plans. And you could have an attractive overview page that introduces your digital product offerings.

  2. Flodesk for List Building and Sales: Use Flodesk to grow your email list, nurture your audience with beautiful emails, and sell your digital products. Its powerful automation features make it easy to create complex sales funnels that feel personal and engaging.

    Continuing with our nutritionist example, you could use Flodesk to create a lead magnet (maybe a free 3-day meal plan) to grow your email list. Then, you could set up an automation sequence that introduces new subscribers to your philosophy, shares some quick wins, and eventually pitches your full meal plan product. When someone purchases, Flodesk can automatically deliver the digital product and trigger a sequence with tips on how to get the most out of the meal plan.

Think of it this way: Squarespace is your storefront, the place where people come to window shop and get to know you. Flodesk is your sales team, nurturing relationships and closing deals.

By using both platforms together, you create a powerful ecosystem for your digital product empire. Your Squarespace site attracts potential customers and demonstrates your expertise. When they're ready to learn more, they sign up for your email list. Then, Flodesk takes over, nurturing that relationship and ultimately helping you sell your digital products.

Here's a practical example of how this might work:

  1. A potential customer finds your Squarespace website through a Google search for "healthy meal plans."

  2. They read a few of your blog posts and are impressed by your knowledge and approach.

  3. They sign up for your free lead magnet (hosted on a Flodesk landing page) to get a sample meal plan.

  4. Flodesk delivers the lead magnet and enrolls them in a welcome sequence.

  5. Over the next few weeks, they receive valuable, beautifully designed emails (thanks, Flodesk!) with nutrition tips and success stories.

  6. When you launch your next meal plan, they receive a series of emails about the offer.

  7. They decide to purchase, and Flodesk handles the transaction and product delivery.

  8. Post-purchase, they receive a series of onboarding emails to help them get the most out of their new meal plan.

  9. Meanwhile, they continue to visit your Squarespace site for new blog content and recipes.

See how beautifully these platforms can work together? It's like a well-oiled machine for your digital product business!

Your Digital Product Empire Awaits

So, there you have it! The answer to "Squarespace or Flodesk?" is actually "Both!" Each platform has its strengths, and when used together, they create a powerhouse system for building your digital product empire.

Squarespace gives you a beautiful, professional home on the web where you can showcase your expertise and attract potential customers. Flodesk provides the tools to nurture those relationships, create engaging email campaigns, and sell your digital products with ease.

Remember, the most important thing is to get started. Don't let platform decisions paralyze you. You can always adjust and optimize as you go. Start with creating a simple Squarespace site and setting up a basic Flodesk account. As you grow, you can explore more advanced features and integrations.

When you’re ready to give Squarespace a try, sign up using my affiliate code PARTNER10 to get 10% off your first year subscription: insidethesquare.co/partner10

When you’re ready to give Flodesk a try, sign up using my affiliate link to save 50% off your first year subscription: flodesk.com/c/INSIDETHESQUARE

Most importantly, have fun with your digital product journey! Whether you're creating e-books, courses, templates, or any other type of digital product, remember that you're sharing your unique knowledge and skills with the world. That's pretty amazing, and definitely something to enjoy and be proud of. 😊

Are you ready to start building your digital product empire with Squarespace and Flodesk?

Comment below, and feel free to share a link to your sales page. I can't wait to see what you create!

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