3 Unexpected Ways Digital Products Can Transform Your Business (It's Not Just About Passive Income!)



We’ve all heard the buzz about digital products lately. "Create passive income!" they say. "Make money while you sleep!" they promise. And sure, that all sounds great (who doesn't want to wake up to sales notifications?), but here's the thing: digital products can do so much more for your business than just pad your bank account.

The Problem: Struggling to Grow and Scale

If you're like many of the entrepreneurs I work with, you're probably facing a common dilemma. You love what you do, you're great at it, but you're hitting a wall when it comes to growing your business. Maybe you're:

  • Maxed out on client hours and can't take on any more work

  • Struggling to find a way to reach more people with your expertise

  • Feeling burnt out from the constant hustle of trading time for money

  • Wanting to make a bigger impact, but not sure how to scale your efforts

The pain is real. You're working harder than ever, but it feels like you're on a hamster wheel - running fast but not really getting anywhere. You know you have so much value to offer, but you're limited by the hours in the day and your own energy levels.

I get it. I've been there myself, and I've helped countless entrepreneurs navigate this exact challenge. It's frustrating to feel like you're capable of so much more, but you're constrained by the traditional service-based business model.

But what if I told you there was a way to break free from this cycle? A way to grow your business, reach more people, and make a bigger impact - all while creating more freedom for yourself?

Enter: digital products. But not in the way you might think.

The Unexpected Magic of Digital Products

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Becca, I thought you said this wasn't about passive income!" And you're right, I did. Because while passive income is great (and trust me, it is), it's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how digital products can transform your business.

Let me share three unexpected ways digital products can revolutionize the way you work and grow:

1. Turbocharge Your Client Results

Picture this: You're a fitness coach, and you've created a digital workout guide. Sure, you could sell it as a standalone product (hello, passive income!), but have you considered how it could transform your one-on-one coaching?

By providing your guide to your coaching clients, you're giving them a valuable resource they can refer to between sessions. They're more likely to stick to their workouts, see better results, and rave about your services to others. Plus, you've just freed up session time that would have been spent explaining basic moves - now you can focus on more advanced techniques and personalized guidance.

But let's take this a step further. What if you created a series of short video demonstrations to accompany your workout guide? Now your clients can see proper form for each exercise, reducing the risk of injury and improving their results even more. You could even create a private Facebook group where clients can share their progress, ask questions, and support each other. Suddenly, your one-on-one coaching has evolved into a comprehensive fitness course.

This doesn't just apply to fitness. Let's look at some other examples:

  • If you're a business consultant, you could create a digital workbook that guides clients through the process of defining their brand voice. This not only helps them between sessions but also ensures they come to your meetings prepared and ready to dive deep.

  • As a nutritionist, you might develop a recipe e-book or meal planning app. This gives your clients practical tools to implement your advice in their daily lives, leading to better adherence and results.

  • If you're a life coach, consider creating guided meditation audio files or a self-reflection journal template. These tools can support your clients' personal growth journey even when they're not in a session with you.

The key here is to think of digital products not as replacements for your services, but as enhancements. They're tools that extend your reach and impact beyond the confines of your direct interaction time.

Pro Tip: When creating these supplementary digital products, use tools that make the process easy and the result professional. Canva is great for creating visual guides or workbooks, while Squarespace's built-in audio player can host your meditation files or podcast episodes. For more complex products like apps or interactive workbooks, consider collaborating with a developer or using no-code platforms to bring your vision to life.

2. Become a Recognized Expert in Your Field

Here's something cool about creating digital products: the process itself positions you as an expert. When you distill your knowledge into a course, e-book, or template, you're not just creating a product - you're organizing your expertise in a way that showcases your unique approach and insights.

For example, let's say you're a social media strategist. You create a digital product called "The Ultimate Instagram Growth Roadmap." Just by creating and naming this product, you're positioning yourself as someone who knows the ins and outs of Instagram growth.

But it gets better. Once you have this product, you can:

  • Use it as a calling card when pitching to speak at events

  • Reference it in podcast interviews to establish credibility

  • Offer it as a lead magnet to grow your email list (more on that in a moment!)

Suddenly, you're not just another social media strategist - you're the Instagram Growth Expert with a proven roadmap. See how that shifts things?

Let's break this down further:

  1. Clarify Your Expertise: The process of creating a digital product forces you to organize your knowledge in a clear, structured way. This alone can help you identify your unique strengths and approaches.

  2. Demonstrate Your Knowledge: A well-crafted digital product serves as tangible proof of your expertise. It's like a portfolio that potential clients or collaborators can easily reference.

  3. Increase Your Visibility: Digital products can be shared and distributed much more widely than your direct services. This increased reach can lead to more opportunities for visibility, like guest posting, podcast interviews, or speaking engagements.

  4. Attract Higher-Level Opportunities: As your reputation grows, you may find yourself attracting more prestigious clients or partnership opportunities. Your digital product serves as a pre-qualification tool, demonstrating your value before you even have a conversation.

  5. Create a Feedback Loop: As people use your digital product, you'll receive feedback and testimonials. This social proof further enhances your expert status and can provide insights for refining your offerings.

Here's a real-world example: I once worked with a career coach who created a digital resume template. It seemed simple, but that template led to her being featured in major career publications, invited to speak at college career centers, and ultimately, it opened the door for her to write a book with a major publisher. All from one digital product!

Pro Tip: When creating your digital product, don't be afraid to niche down. The more specific your expertise, the easier it is to stand out. Start with one focused product that showcases your unique approach to solving a specific problem in your field; you can always expand your offerings later!

3. Create a Marketing Ecosystem That Works While You Sleep

Okay, I know I said this wasn't about making money while you sleep, but hear me out. Digital products can create a marketing ecosystem that nurtures leads and builds relationships 24/7, even if you're not actively selling.

Here's how it works:

  1. You create a small, free digital product (let's call it a lead magnet)

  2. You offer this free product on your website in exchange for an email address

  3. When someone downloads your free product, they're added to your email list

  4. You set up an email sequence that provides value and builds trust over time

  5. Eventually, you introduce your paid offerings - whether that's services or more comprehensive digital products

The beauty of this system is that it works around the clock. Someone could discover your website at 3 AM, download your free guide, and start receiving your nurturing emails immediately. By the time you wake up, they've already begun to know, like, and trust you.

Let's break this down with a concrete example:

Imagine you're a wedding planner. Your lead magnet could be a "Ultimate Wedding Planning Checklist" PDF. Here's how the ecosystem might work:

  1. A newly engaged couple finds your website through a Google search at midnight.

  2. They see your offer for the free checklist and happily provide their email to download it.

  3. Immediately, they receive a welcome email with the checklist attached, along with a friendly introduction from you.

  4. Over the next few weeks, they receive a series of helpful emails:

    • Day 3: "5 Common Wedding Planning Mistakes to Avoid"

    • Day 7: "How to Choose Your Wedding Venue: A Comprehensive Guide"

    • Day 14: "Wedding Budget Tips: Where to Save and Where to Splurge"

    • Day 21: "DIY vs. Professional: What to Outsource for Your Wedding"

  5. In each email, you're providing valuable advice, showcasing your expertise, and building trust.

  6. On Day 30, you send an email introducing your wedding planning services, perhaps with a special offer for a free consultation.

By this point, the couple feels like they know you. They've received so much value from your free content that they're primed to seriously consider your paid services.

The best part? You can set all of this up using a combination of Squarespace and Flodesk. Use Squarespace to create a beautiful, professional website that showcases your expertise and offers your lead magnet. Then, use Flodesk to create gorgeous emails and automated sequences that nurture your new leads. It's a match made in digital marketing heaven!

Here's how to get started:

  1. Identify Your Lead Magnet: What small piece of valuable information can you offer for free? It should be enticing enough that people want to exchange their email for it, but not so comprehensive that it gives away all your expertise.

  2. Create Your Lead Magnet: Use tools like Canva or Google Docs to create a professional-looking PDF. Remember, this is often people's first impression of your work, so make it good!

  3. Set Up Your Squarespace Site: Create a landing page specifically for your lead magnet. Make sure the copy clearly explains the value people will get from your free offer.

  4. Connect Squarespace to Flodesk: Use Flodesk's Squarespace integration to automatically add new subscribers to your email list.

  5. Create Your Email Sequence: In Flodesk, set up an automated email sequence. Start with a warm welcome and delivery of your lead magnet, then plan out a series of value-packed emails.

  6. Monitor and Refine: Pay attention to which emails get the most engagement. Use this information to refine your sequence over time.

Pro Tip: Don't be afraid to inject your personality into your emails. People are more likely to connect with a real person than a faceless brand. Share stories, be authentic, and let your unique voice shine through.

Wrapping It Up: Your Digital Product Journey Awaits!

So there you have it - three unexpected ways digital products can transform your business. They're not just about passive income (although that's a nice bonus). They're about enhancing your services, establishing your expertise, and creating a marketing system that works for you 24/7.

Let's recap the key points:

  1. Digital products can turbocharge your client results by providing additional support and resources.

  2. Creating digital products positions you as an expert in your field, opening doors to new opportunities.

  3. A well-structured digital product ecosystem can nurture leads and build relationships automatically.

The beauty of digital products is their versatility. Whether you're a solopreneur just starting out or an established business looking to scale, digital products can be adapted to suit your needs and goals.

Now, I know creating your first digital product can feel overwhelming. Trust me, I've been there! That's why I'm so passionate about guiding entrepreneurs like you through this process. I’ve curated a collection of training, guides and resources to help you create digital products that truly transform your business. The Online Offer toolkit covers everything from product ideation to creation to marketing, and you can get lifetime access to it all right now.

Remember, creating digital products isn't just about making money (although that's nice too!). It's about sharing your unique knowledge and skills with the world in a way that creates more freedom and impact in your business. It's about reaching more people, helping more clients, and making a bigger difference - all while building a business that works for you, not the other way around.

So, what digital product will you create first?
Comment below and inspire us with your idea!

Whatever it is, I can't wait to see how it transforms your business. You've got this, and I'm cheering you on every step of the way!

Most importantly, have fun with your digital product journey! I can't wait to see what you create. 😊

Online Offer Toolkit

Your all-in-one toolkit for creating digital products that sell while you sleep.


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Squarespace vs. Flodesk: Which Platform is Right for Your Digital Product Empire?