Book a one-on-one strategy session with Squarespace expert Becca Harpain!

From setup to settings and all the custom code in between, I’m here to help you make Squarespace uniquely yours.

What can we chat about in a Squarespace strategy session?
Anything you want my help with!

  • Phil wanted some help with code cleanup.

    We took a look at all the CSS on his site and made sure it did what it needed to as efficiently as possible. We combined codes, added labels, and made his site faster than ever.

  • Nikki needed help with a specific client site.

    She knew Squarespace was the right fit, but wasn’t sure how to build what her client wanted. We spent some time creating a custom coded solution for her project, and yes, her client loved it.

  • Tara needed to brainstorm for her book launch.

    We discussed the page types in Squarespace and how she could create a special lead magnet in Squarespace campaigns to get her audience pumped about the book release!

How this


  • To request a strategy session, please fill out the form below to let me know what we’ll be working on.

  • Once approved, you’ll get an email with a link to book your appointment.

  • You will be required to pay a non-refundable $85 fee to secure your spot on my calendar.

  • You can ask me anything about Squarespace & running an online business during our 30-minute session.

  • I’ll record our session so you can reference it later.

  • If we don’t cover everything you want to chat about, you’ll have first dibs on my calendar for a follow-up session.

Request A Strategy Session with Becca Harpain