How to upload an image to Squarespace so you can use it in your custom codes

You can add an image file to your Squarespace site so you can use for all kinds of cool codes, like custom background images and more! This tutorial will show you how easy it is to add that file to your custom files.

In the video below, we'll upload a file to the custom files of my Squarespace site, and get the URL to use in custom codes. For this specific example, I'll show you how I use that URL to create a mobile menu background.

This is *not* a tutorial on image blocks - for that, click the plus sign and upload your image. This is about uploading one to the Squarespace server so you can get a URL to use in codes!

Here are the steps from this video:

  1. From your main menu in Squarespace, navigate to Design.

  2. Select Custom CSS.

  3. Scroll down to the button under the CSS pannel that says Manage Custom Files - click on that!

  4. Here you can drag your image file over to your custom files. Squarespace will upload the image to their server.

  5. Click on the image to get the URL. Paste that URL in your code to reference it; ideal for things like a background image.


Squarespace Circle Leader & Creator of

Exploring Image Blocks in Squarespace


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