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54: UX Testing Tips from the PDX Airport

*I’m trying something new with this episode; check out the video version below!

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I recently had a wild experience at the airport that opened my eyes to the importance of user testing for websites. Turns out, designing something on paper and seeing it in action with real people are two completely different things.

Task-Oriented Testing: Forget vague questions like "What do you think?" Give your testers a specific goal. Want to see if people can easily find your contact page? Ask them to do just that. This focused approach gives you actionable insights.

Test Early, Test Often: Don't wait until your website is 100% finished to start testing. Get feedback early in the process and make adjustments along the way. It might feel scary to share something imperfect, but trust me, it's worth it.

Expand Your Testing Circle: Reach beyond your friends and family for unbiased opinions. Consider offering a small incentive to encourage participation. The more diverse your testers, the better.

Remember, user testing isn't about finding flaws; it's about uncovering opportunities for improvement. By investing time in testing, you'll create a website that truly delights your users.

So, the next time you're about to hit that publish button, do this instead:

  • Create at least 5 task oriented tests that people can complete on your site.

  • Send it to your friends and ask them to forward it to people you don’t know.

  • Test a few weeks in advance so that you have time to act on their feedback.

  • Bonus: have people record their screen so you can see where they get lost on their way to complete the task!

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