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41: Uncovering Hidden Gems: Lesser-Known Squarespace Features You Should Be Using

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Launching your Squarespace website is a big accomplishment, but there are a few key details that can sometimes get overlooked. These settings might not be essential, but they can elevate your site from good to great, making it feel more professional and polished.

Brand Your Browsing Experience with a Favicon

Ever noticed the little icon next to your website title in your browser tab? That's your favicon! By default, Squarespace uses a generic gray cube. Not exactly a reflection of your brand, right?

Head over to Settings > Favicon to upload a small, square image (ideally a PNG) that represents your brand perfectly. Think of it as a tiny logo for your website. Keep it simple and avoid text or complicated designs.

Turn a "Mistake" into a Moment: Customize Your 404 Error Page

Have you ever landed on a boring "Page Not Found" message after mistyping a URL? That's your 404 error page. Squarespace offers a basic one, but you can easily create a custom page that reflects your brand personality.

In the not linked section of your site, you can design a fun and informative 404 page. Include a friendly message explaining the error, offer a search bar to help visitors find what they're looking for, or even link to your latest blog post.

Double-Check Your Social Media Links

Having social media icons on your website is a great way to connect with your audience. But make sure those links are pointing to your actual profiles, not Squarespace's default ones! Double-check the links in your header, footer, and any other pages on your site.

Upload Custom Share Images

Whenever you share a link to your Squarespace website on social media, a preview image often pops up. This is your social share image, and you can customize it for each page, blog post, or product!

Go to the page, post, or product settings and look for the social image option. Choose a captivating image (ideally with a 9:16 aspect ratio) that accurately represents the content. Remember, social media platforms display images in different sizes, so center your content horizontally and vertically.

Personalize Your Contact Form's "Thank You" Message

When someone fills out a contact form on your website, Squarespace automatically displays a simple "Thank You" message. But you can customize this message to add a warmer welcome and show your appreciation!

Go to the content tab while editing your form and look for the "Post Submit" option. Use this space to offer valuable resources, a discount code, or a call to action (like subscribing to your newsletter or scheduling a consultation).

Squarespace allows basic HTML code within the form's message, opening doors for creative customization. Explore the world of HTML to add flair to your thank you message, but remember to keep the code simple and functional. Here is an example template you can use:

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By implementing these simple tips, you can take your Squarespace website from good to great, creating a more professional and polished user experience!

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