28: How to build your email list using Squarespace

Imagine thousands of people, who are delighted to see your email in their inbox. It’s possible for any business that is willing to put in the work to build their email list. 😎

In this episode of ThinkInsideTheSquare, you'll get actionable advice on how to use Squarespace features to build a list of subscribers, eager to sign up for what you have to share with them!

You'll get ideas for an opt-in offer that your audience can't resist, we'll also navigate the critical elements of a compelling landing page and dissect the art of crafting a thoughtful welcome email sequence. 

  • Speaker 1: 0:03

    A healthy email list is the backbone of any successful online business. It's how you connect with your audience, promote your products and services and build lasting relationships. But how do you get all of these subscribers who are ready to read your emails? Week after week, building your email list can feel overwhelming, especially if you're just starting out. So in this episode of Think Inside the Square, I'll be sharing actionable advice on how you can build an email list using features available inside Squarespace. Welcome to Think Inside the Square, a podcast full of tips and tricks to help you create a Squarespace website that you're proud of. I'm your host, becca Harpane, squarespace expert and creator of InsideTheSquareco. In this episode, I'll be sharing my pro tips on using Squarespace features to build your email list. You'll get ideas for your initial opt-in, info on how to create a quality thank you page, and I'll share my best advice on what to include in a simple welcome sequence for your new subscribers. For a transcript of this episode, along with the links to any resources mentioned, visit insidethesquareco forward slash podcast. The term Squarespace is a trademark of Squarespace Incorporated. This content is not affiliated with Squarespace Incorporated.

    Speaker 1: 1:17

    An email list is a list of people who have given you their email address because they want to get messages from you. Most of the time, someone joins your email list because they like the content you've created Log posts, tutorials and freebies that are sometimes called lead magnets or opt-ins. Email lists are a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes, mind included. Keeping an active email list lets you reach your target audience directly in their inbox, bypassing noisy social media algorithms that are designed to distract us. You can use consistent emails to share valuable content, answer questions your fans might have and really position yourself as an industry leader to your audience. Compared to other marketing channels, email marketing boasts incredible return on investment. When you boost a post on Instagram, you're reaching people who might not have a clue about who you are and what you do, and the people that do follow you. They might not even see your current post, boosted or not.

    Speaker 1: 2:11

    An active email list is in your control. You can send a message to people who know you and want to hear from you. If you keep them engaged by sending valuable content directly to their inbox, week after week, your email subscribers are much more likely to invest in what you have to offer than someone who only knows you from perusing your website. It all starts with an irresistible offer. Have you ever wondered how those businesses that you admire seem to have a loyal fan base hanging on their every email? It's not magic. It's smart marketing in the form of high quality opt-ins, aka lead magnets. You offer something valuable to your audience, like a handy guide or an exclusive discount in exchange for someone's email address.

    Speaker 1: 2:56

    Here are some creative ways that you can woo new subscribers for your email list. This is a juicy list of good ideas, so I did write it down for you. You can grab a copy of my free guide for helping you build your email list at insidethesquareco forward slash email list. I'll link to it in the show notes too. So let's dig in Creative opt-in ideas that people will be eager to subscribe for.

    Speaker 1: 3:21

    You can create a PDF guide. Empower your audience with information that gives them the knowledge they need to form opinions, make decisions or take that oh so important action. Your guide will be their friendly companion on their journey. You can also create an in-depth e-book. By delving deep into a subject, you can offer your new subscriber a comprehensive understanding of a topic. It'll be their go-to resource that provides valuable content on a specific subject. You can also host a personal challenge. Help your subscriber inch closer to their goals by breaking down the journey into manageable daily or weekly actions. You can also assist your audience with a targeted checklist. This can help them track their progress or make sure they aren't missing any crucial steps. This checklist will help them stay organized and motivated.

    Speaker 1: 4:07

    The other idea is to deliver a mini course a series of bite-sized lessons that are easy for people to comprehend. Your mini course can guide them on a path to greater knowledge, and in Squarespace, you can create a single page in the not-linked section of your site that has this mini course content. When someone subscribes to your mini course often simply email them a link to the page and redirect them to it when they fill out the form. In fact, let's get into those setup details. How do you deliver this often? Here are three key steps that you'll need to set up for your opt-in offer the landing page, the thank you page and the welcome email.

    Speaker 1: 4:42

    A landing page is a dedicated space designed to capture your future subscriber's attention. The goal of this landing page is to make your free offer enticing to the right person. You don't need any random email on this list. You want quality future customers. Here are some tips for creating a landing page for your new opt-in offer. Make sure you have a clear headline and call to action. Fill your future subscriber exactly what you're offering and exactly what you want them to do. Download your free guide now. Enter your email below to get access.

    Speaker 1: 5:13

    The next important part is to explain the benefits front and center. Highlight the value that they'll get by subscribing. This section is so important because making this benefit list clear will help weed out the folks who don't belong on your email list and excite the ones who do. You should also showcase some engaging visuals. Use images and videos and gifts to grab attention and really make your message pop. And, last but not least, you need a simple sign-up form. Make it easy for them to enter their email address with minimal fields. Fun fact, the more fields on your form, the less likely people are to submit. Keep this form simple and concise and only ask for the info you need. A Squarespace newsletter form requires an email address and you can choose to ask for a first and last name. A Squarespace contact form can also be reduced to only the email field. Now, last but not least, something to keep in mind when designing this landing page is that it should focus on the goal getting a new subscriber. Consider removing the main navigation options and any unnecessary footers on your landing page. The theory behind this technique is that presenting less interaction options will encourage your visitors to do the one thing you want them to do subscribe. You can learn more about creating a landing page in Squarespace on my blog at insidethesquareco forward slash landing page. I'll link to that in the show notes.

    Speaker 1: 6:34

    The next important step in your subscriber journey is the thank you page. The thank you page is your chance to say thanks and keep the momentum going. Instead of just information received. You can use this page to offer so much more to your new subscriber. Like these ideas. First, you should reiterate the value they'll receive, remind them of the lead magnet they're going to get and when they can't expect it. You can also offer another enticing opt-in, suggesting a related resource or a free trial of something to build their interest, and you can use this opportunity to point them to your social media or your blog posts. This encourages further engagement and can help you build your community. For this aspect of building your email list, squarespace helps us out in a big way. Every contact form and newsletter block can redirect people to a new page after they submit their information. So you can create your thank you page in the not linked section of your Squarespace website and then direct people to that URL after they sign up for your freebie. Pretty awesome right Now.

    Speaker 1: 7:33

    The final step in this new subscriber process is to send a high quality welcome email their way. This is your chance to set the stage for a strong relationship, so you want this email to be one of your best. Here are some best practices for this first welcome email. Try to personalize it and use their name if possible. Express your gratitude for them signing up for your list. Deliver the promised lead magnet. Make sure it's easily accessible. I like to add a link in the text and in a button, so it's really obvious. Take care for the thing you asked for. You should also consider outlining the next steps they need to take and tell them when you'll be in touch again. I usually end my welcome emails with take some time to practice with the codes in the guide I linked to above, and I'll be in your inbox soon with more tips and tricks on how to make Squarespace uniquely yours.

    Speaker 1: 8:20

    Some people also like to include another call to action, like connect with me on social or read this blog post next, or even a simple reply to this email if you have any questions on getting started. This welcome email should be the first in a series of welcome emails, but don't be too intimidated by the sound of that. This welcome series can be super simple to create. There are all kinds of expert suggestions on what and how to create a welcome series, but here is my simplified version. The first email, your welcome email, is the one we just talked about. Give them the free that you offered, tell them when they'll hear from you again and what you'll share, and give them a call to action on what to do next.

    Speaker 1: 8:58

    The second email in your welcome series is called a nurture email. Ask about their experience with the opt-in and encourage them to share their feedback in a simple reply. You can also offer them another valuable resource if you want to. My main nurture email is so simple. It's three questions. Did you get a chance to try the guide? Anything you're stuck on? What do you want to learn about? Next? Reply to this email. Let me know, to be honest, only about 12% of my audience actually replies, while about 80% of my new subscribers open that email. People want to know you care, even if they don't need you just yet. And for the 12% that do reply, I get new ideas for creative content to share and my future emails are less likely to land in their spam folder because they emailed me directly. It's a win-win.

    Speaker 1: 9:43

    There's one more email I like to send in a welcome series and this is the email that I call the offer and engage email. The first part of this email is where you can showcase your expertise by sharing more content related to their freebie or a case study highlighting success stories. Now a lot of folks create an opt-in to eventually sell you on something, so this would be the email where you can offer a special discount, exclusive content or early access to something new. But if you aren't ready to sell something, reinforce the value of staying connected with your email list and remind them of when they'll hear from you again. In my own welcome sequence, this is where I share another freebie and tell folks that I'm adding them to my weekly email list so they'll be hearing from me again. A quick recap three emails in your welcome sequence the first gives them what they signed up for, the second is where you check in with them and the third email. You can give them more content or offer them a paid product if you're ready to. The first email should be sent out immediately right after they fill out the form. The second email should be sent out a day or two later and the third email should be within five days of your first. Now that might sound like a lot three emails in one week but the truth is people are more likely to open your emails if they can remember who you are.

    Speaker 1: 10:57

    Now, at this point in the episode, your to-do list for this email project is getting a little long. So again, I wrote it all down for you to free guide that you can get it inside the squareco forward slash email list. So check that out, and you're ready At this point in the episode. Your to-do list for creating your own email list in Squarespace is getting a little long, so again, I wrote it all down for you in a free guide that you can get it inside the squareco forward slash email list. So check that out. When you're ready, you'll be able to see my own welcome sequence in action when you sign up for the guide. So that's fun, right Inside the squareco forward slash email list.

    Speaker 1: 11:34

    So how does Squarespace factor into all of this In so many ways? My friend, squarespace is great for businesses building their email list For your opt-in. You can create a landing page in the not linked section of your site. This landing page will have its own easy to remember URL and it will be focused on promoting your opt-in or your freebie. Now, on this landing page, you can have a contact form that only needs a name and an email, and you can also use a newsletter block. Both forms allow you to redirect someone to a new page after they fill it out your thank you page, which you also have in the not linked section of your site. These forms can be linked to a mailing list in Squarespace and you can set up your welcome sequence using Squarespace campaigns.

    Speaker 1: 12:16

    There will be three auto emails one that sends immediately after sign up, the second one scheduled for two days after sign up and the third one scheduled for five days after someone signs up for your opt-in offer. If you purchased your domain with Squarespace, it is super easy to authenticate your domain, so you don't have to worry about that big Google and Yahoo update of February 2024. In three clicks, your domain will be authenticated and your emails can reach your new subscribers. And that, my friend, is how you can build your email list using Squarespace. I personally have a list of about 20,000 subscribers and that list grows every day and I hope you're on it.

    Speaker 1: 12:55

    Be sure to grab the free guide for this episode at insidethesquareco forward slash email list and thank you so much for tuning into this episode of Think Inside the Square. If you enjoyed this content and you want to learn more about creating a Squarespace website that's uniquely yours, be sure to subscribe to this podcast. Wherever you happen to be listening to this episode. I'll be sharing a new episode with you every Thursday. Thanks again for listening and, most importantly, have fun with your Squarespace website. Bye for now.

  • πŸ’Œ Subscribers Squared: a free guide to building your email list using Squarespace features: insidethesquare.co/emaillist

    πŸ“„ How to create a landing page: insidethesquare.co/landing-page

Music Credit: Arpenter // Audio Editing: Adobe Enhance


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