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20: Squarespace Analytics 101: 5 website metrics you need to track

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Ever wonder how successful websites know what their visitors love (and what needs a little work)? It's all thanks to something called website analytics! Don't worry, it's not as scary as it sounds. Think of it as a secret superpower that helps you understand your website visitors and make your site even more awesome.

In this episode of Think Inside the Square, I’m breaking down the top 5 website analytics metrics you should know. These are like little clues that tell you what's working and what could be improved on your website. By keeping an eye on these, you can make your website more engaging and keep visitors coming back for more!

Squarespace Analytics Metric #1: Bounce Rate

Imagine someone walks into your store, looks around for a second, and then walks right out. Website bounce rate is kind of like that. It tells you the percentage of visitors who leave your website after just viewing one page.

A high bounce rate could mean a few things. Maybe your website is a bit confusing, and visitors aren't sure where to go next. Or perhaps there's not a clear call to action (like a button or link telling them what to do). The good news is, by understanding your bounce rate, you can make changes to make your website more welcoming and keep visitors exploring!

Squarespace Analytics Metric #2: Pageviews

This one's pretty straightforward! Pageviews tell you how many times each page on your website has been viewed. It's like counting how many people wander into different sections of your store. By seeing which pages have the most views, you can understand what kind of content your visitors find most interesting. This can help you create even more awesome content that they'll love!

Squarespace Analytics Metric #3: Conversion Rate

Think of this as your website's "high five" metric! Conversions are actions you want visitors to take on your site, like signing up for your newsletter or downloading a freebie. The conversion rate tells you how many visitors are actually taking those actions.

Here's a cool tip: Don't compare apples to oranges! The conversion rate for a free download will naturally be higher than for a high-priced product. Track different types of conversions to get a better picture of what's working on your website.

Squarespace Analytics Metric #4: Visits by Traffic Source

Ever wonder how people find your website? Traffic sources tell you exactly that! This metric shows you if visitors are coming through search engines, social media, or other online channels. Knowing where your traffic comes from helps you focus your marketing efforts on the places that are sending you the most visitors!

Squarespace Analytics Metric #5: Average Session Duration

This metric tells you how long visitors typically spend on your website. Think of it like how long people spend browsing in your store. A longer session duration usually means your content is interesting and engaging. If the average session duration is low, it might be a sign that visitors aren't finding what they're looking for.

By keeping an eye on these five website analytics metrics, you'll gain superpowers (well, almost!) to understand what your visitors love and what could be improved. Remember, Becca has even more tips and tricks to share on the Think Inside the Square podcast, so be sure to check out the show notes for this episode and subscribe to learn more! Now, go out there and make your website the best it can be!

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