5 Surprising Mistakes New Digital Product Creators Make - And How to Avoid Them



Have you ever looked at successful digital product creators and thought, "They make it look so easy!"? Well, I've got a little secret for you: even the most successful creators had to start somewhere, and they probably made a few mistakes along the way.

The good news? You don't have to make the same mistakes they did. As someone who's been in the trenches of digital product creation, and helped countless others navigate this exciting journey, I've seen it all. In this article, I'm going to share with you 5 surprising mistakes that new digital product creators often make - including me - and more importantly, how you can avoid them.

Mistake #1: Neglecting Market Research

Picture this: You've got an amazing idea for a digital product. Maybe it's an e-book about vegan meal prep, or a course on mastering Instagram Reels. You're excited, you're inspired, and you're ready to pour your heart and soul into creating it. Fast forward a few weeks (or months), and you've finally finished your masterpiece. You hit publish, wait for the sales to roll in, and... crickets.

Ouch, right? This is the pain of neglecting market research, and let me tell you, it's a common one. We get so caught up in our brilliant ideas that we forget to check if anyone actually wants to buy them. But don't worry, I've got your back!

Before you dive headfirst into creation mode, take a beat and do some market research. I know, I know, it's not as exciting as creating, but trust me, it's worth it. Here's what you can do:

  • Survey your existing audience or email list. Ask them what they're struggling with and what kind of solutions they're looking for.

  • Check out popular forums and social media groups in your niche. What questions are people asking? What problems do they need solved?

  • Use tools like Google Trends or Amazon bestseller lists to gauge interest in your topic.

  • Create a "coming soon" page and see how many people sign up for updates. This can give you a good idea of potential interest.

Remember, your goal isn't just to create a product - it's to create a product that people want to buy! A little research upfront can save you a lot of heartache (and wasted time) down the road.

Mistake #2: Underpricing Your Product

Okay, so you've done your market research, created your product, and now it's time to set a price. This is where things can get a little... uncomfortable. You've poured your expertise into this digital product, but when it comes time to put a dollar value on it, you get cold feet. "What if it's too expensive?" you worry. "Maybe I should price it low to get more sales."

I get it. Pricing is scary. You don't want to scare people away with a high price, but here's the thing: underpricing your product can be just as harmful. Not only are you potentially leaving money on the table, but you're also undervaluing your expertise and the transformation your product provides. And let's be real, that doesn't feel great either.

So, how do we fix this? Here are some tips to help you price with confidence:

  • Research what similar products in your niche are selling for. This can give you a good baseline.

  • Consider the transformation your product provides. What is that worth to your ideal customer? If your meal prep e-book saves someone 5 hours a week and helps them eat healthier, that's pretty valuable!

  • Remember that price often signals value. A higher price can actually attract more serious buyers who are ready to invest in themselves.

  • Test different price points with small segments of your audience. See what resonates.

  • Don't be afraid to raise your prices over time as you gain more testimonials and refine your product.

Pricing is as much an art as it is a science, so don't be afraid to experiment. And remember, your expertise is valuable. Price accordingly!

Mistake #3: Overlooking the Power of Beta Testing

Let me paint you a picture: You've spent weeks perfecting your digital product. Every detail is just right. You've proofread it a million times, and you're finally ready to share it with the world. Launch day comes, you start getting some sales (yay!), and then... the feedback starts rolling in. "I couldn't figure out how to download the worksheets." "The audio in module 3 isn't working." "I was expecting more content on X topic."

Cue the facepalm. 🤦‍♀️

This, my friend, is the pain of overlooking beta testing. When we create in isolation, it's easy to miss things that might be obvious to our users. But don't worry, there's a simple solution: embrace the power of beta testing!

Here's how you can avoid this mistake:

  • Before you launch to the world, offer your product to a small group of ideal customers at a discounted rate (or even for free).

  • Actively seek feedback on all aspects of your product. What did they love? What was confusing? What would they like to see more of?

  • Be open to making changes based on the feedback you receive. Remember, the goal is to make your product as valuable as possible for your users.

  • Use testimonials from your beta testers in your marketing. Nothing sells a product like real people sharing their positive experiences!

  • Create a "feedback loop" that allows you to continuously improve your product, even after launch.

Remember, your first version doesn't have to be perfect - it just needs to be valuable! Beta testing helps you make sure you're on the right track before you go big.

Mistake #4: Choosing the Wrong Platform

Picture this: You've created an amazing digital product. It's beautiful, it's valuable, and you know it's going to help a lot of people. But when it comes to actually selling it... oof. You're struggling with tech issues, your checkout process is clunky, and you're spending more time troubleshooting than actually serving your customers. Sound familiar?

This is the pain of choosing the wrong platform for your digital product, and let me tell you, it's a common one. With so many options out there, it's easy to get overwhelmed or to simply go with whatever platform you're already familiar with, even if it's not the best fit.

But here's the thing: the right platform can make selling your digital products a breeze, while the wrong one can lead to lost sales and a whole lot of frustration. So, how do we avoid this mistake? Here's what to consider when choosing your platform:

  • Ease of use (for both you and your customers)

  • Integration with your existing tools (like your email marketing platform)

  • Payment processing options

  • Ability to host different types of digital products

  • Customer service and support

Now, I know I'm known as the Squarespace queen, and I do love Squarespace for many things. But when it comes to selling digital products, I often recommend Flodesk. It's user-friendly, looks beautiful, and integrates seamlessly with email marketing. That said, the right choice depends on your specific needs - don't be afraid to try out a few options before you commit!

Remember, the goal is to choose a platform that makes it easy for you to sell and for your customers to buy. When the tech stuff is smooth, you can focus on what really matters: serving your audience with your awesome digital products!

Mistake #5: Focusing on Creation, Not Marketing

Okay, last but definitely not least, let's talk about a mistake that I see all the time. Picture this: You've poured your heart and soul into creating an amazing digital product. You've done your market research, you've priced it right, you've beta tested it, and you've got it up on the perfect platform. You hit "publish" and... nothing happens.

Cue the sad trombone. 🎺

This, my friends, is the pain of focusing solely on creation and forgetting about marketing. And let me tell you, it's a heartbreaker. You've got this fantastic product that could help so many people, but nobody knows about it!

So, how do we fix this? The key is to start thinking about marketing from day one. Here's how:

  • Build anticipation before you launch by talking about your product creation process. Take people behind the scenes!

  • Create a content marketing plan that showcases your expertise. Blog posts, social media content, podcasts - wherever your audience hangs out, be there.

  • Leverage your existing platforms (social media, email list, blog) to promote your product. Don't be shy - your audience wants to know what you're working on!

  • Consider collaborations or affiliate partnerships to reach new audiences. There's power in community!

  • Don't stop marketing after launch day - keep the momentum going!

Remember, marketing isn't about being salesy or pushy. It's about connecting your amazing product with the people who need it most. Think of it as a way to serve your audience, not sell to them.

Wrapping It Up

Creating digital products can be an incredibly rewarding journey. It allows you to share your expertise, help more people, and yes, create some pretty awesome passive income streams. But like any journey, there can be a few bumps along the way.

By avoiding these five common mistakes, you're already ahead of the game. Remember: do your market research, price with confidence, embrace beta testing, choose the right platform, and make marketing a priority from day one.

Most importantly, don't let the fear of making mistakes hold you back. Every "mistake" is just an opportunity to learn and improve. So go forth and create that digital product - your future customers are waiting!

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